Guidance » Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Info

Please Click on the file below for more information on our Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Policy:
The policy applies to all acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:37-14 that occur on school property, at school-sponsored functions, or on a school bus and, as appropriate, acts that occur off school grounds.
Si usted necesita cualquier informacion o traduccion sobre los temas de hostigamiento, intimidacion, y acosamiento(burlarse), por favor de ponerse en contacto con Adamarys Galvin, Supervisora del Departamento Bilingue/ESL y Supervisora de la Escuela Robert Fulton Annex al 201-295-2921 o por correo electronico al [email protected].
Anti-Bullying Coordinator for the district:
Frank Bafumi
John F. Kennedy School
1210 11th Street
North Bergen, NJ 07047