2019 Spelling Bee (1st - 3rd) Due to an internet outage, we were unable to live-stream today's Spelling Bee. Click "read more" to see today's event!!
McKinley Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Najjar-Jalajel is the 2018-19 McKinley Teacher of the Year! Click to read the interview!
Congratulations Spelling Bee Champion! Congratulations Julian Alva and all of the contestants who made it to the stage round of the Spelling Bee!
Meet the Spelling Bee Contestants Meet the 2019 Spelling Bee Contestants from Grades 4 through 8! Be sure to tune in tomorrow around 9:15 to watch the competition! Best of luck to all of our students. We are filled with pride!
Law Enforcement Appreciation! Thank you to all law enforcement, especially the North Bergen Police Department!
2019 Winter Modeling Show! "Beautiful has nothing to do with looks. It's how you are as a person and how you make others feel about themselves." Check out the pictures from our red carpet event!
McKinley Spartan Holiday Happenings We will be live again tomorrow for singing performances by students in 4th through 8th grade, our chorus AND a surprise closing performance!
McKinley Winter Concert Live stream! We will be live streaming the Winter Concerts on Wednesday and Thursday at 9:15 am! Click "read full story" to learn more!