Samir Naik » Supply List 2023-2024

Supply List 2023-2024

Mr. Naik's

ELA Class Supply List


√ (2) Five Subject spiral notebook

√ (1) Plastic folder with two pockets for English Language Arts only

(1) Thesaurus      

√ Blue/black pens     (replenish throughout the academic school year)

√ Pencils                   (replenish throughout the academic school year)

√ Correction Tape     (not necessary BUT if purchased, liquid form not allowed)

√ Highlighters           (4 various colors)

√ Box of tissues       

√ Bottle of hand-sanitizer (preferably Purell or Germ-X, only)

√ Roll of paper towel


ALL supplies are due no later than (Tuesday) September 12, 2023


In addition, each student must find a book they are comfortable reading for pleasure as they will be required to read designated days during the enrichment period. Once again, be mindful as the school year continues and each class progresses into different marking periods, new supplies may become necessary.

